This Christmas, may the church extend the gift of love to the LGBTIQ+ community | Brad Chilcott

The world is weary of an institution fighting to keep its cultural privilege to discriminate against those it is uncomfortable with

There’s a Christmas gift that those who are celebrating according to the Christian faith could give their communities and the world today. It is the same gift they commemorate in song, sermon and ritual both at this time of year and in the Easter message – the gift of inclusion.

The story of Jesus coming as a baby, born to a working-class family, working a trade and then spending three years as a teacher who touched the socially untouchable, welcomed the outcast and included those the leaders of his religion rejected is, as Christians often say, the story of “God moving in to the neighbourhood”. His death as a criminal, according to Christian theology, paved the way for all people to be welcomed unconditionally into the life and love of God, removing the barriers between humanity and deity imposed by religious dogma.

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from The Guardian