With whom did the president claim to have fallen in love? Whom did he describe as the US’s biggest foe? And what did he say to Putin?
On 27 October, Donald Trump told a rally in Indianapolis that perhaps he should have cancelled that campaign stop. Why?
Out of respect for the 11 victims of the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre who had been gunned down while at prayer earlier that day
Because his appearance in the city clashed with a visit by Barack Obama
Because he was having “a bad hair day”
Because the Secret Service had warned that his security could not be guaranteed
With whom did Trump say he had recently fallen in love?
Stormy Daniels
His own reflection
Kim Jong-un
Ellen DeGeneres
On the eve of meeting Theresa May in July, on which “very talented” Conservative politician did Trump lavish praise?
Theresa May, obviously
Boris Johnson
Jacob Rees-Mogg
Andrea Leadsom
When Aretha Franklin died in August, Barack Obama said her voice offered “a glimpse of the divine”. What did Trump say?
“She had the voice of an angel”
“She was the Queen of Soul because her soul was regal in its beauty”
“Now the heavens will come to know the joy of that blessed voice”
“She worked for me on numerous occasions”
Trump praised himself on Twitter in January. What did he call himself?
A very steady brainbox
A stable boy
A very stable genius
An unstable genius
In March, Trump’s national security advisers passed him a handwritten, all-caps note containing a key instruction for a phone call with Vladimir Putin, following Putin’s re-election as Russian president. It said: “DO NOT CONGRATULATE.” What was the first thing Trump said when he spoke to Putin?
He congratulated Putin
He condemned the nerve-agent poisoning of the Skripals on the streets of Salisbury
He denounced Russian meddling in the 2016 US election
He discussed developments in Syria and North Korea
In a closed-door, Oval Office meeting, Trump expressed his frustration at immigrants coming to the US from where?
The developing world
“Shithole countries”
The Middle East
Scotland and Germany, “the homelands of my own forebears”
In September, Trump told the UN General Assembly that in two years his administration had accomplished more than any other in US history. How did the delegates respond?
By applauding politely
By heckling him aggressively
By booing
By laughing
Following the murder of Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, who did Trump say could be responsible?
Rogue killers
The Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman
The Saudi secret service
OJ Simpson
What did one Trump aide say on learning that Arizona senator and war hero John McCain opposed a key nomination?
“That’s a disaster. McCain is just too respected for us to go against him”
“Well, we’ll just have to respectfully disagree with the senator”
“We should pull the nomination: if John is not happy, we can’t go ahead”
“It doesn’t matter, he’s dying anyway”
What did Trump tell CBS in July was the US’s “biggest foe globally right now”?
North Korea
The European Union
In March, Stormy Daniels recalled her first intimate encounter with Trump. When she went to his room, he was glued to a TV set, watching a documentary about something that clearly terrified him. What was it about?
Robert Mueller
The worst presidencies in US history
Vladimir Putin’s history of dealing with employees who disappoint him
12 and above.
I suggest you cancel the papers, hide your phone and switch off the radio. You are following this man too closely. Even Donald Trump doesn’t remember everything Donald Trump says.
11 and above.
I worry that you have not quite managed to break free of Trump's vice-like grip on the world’s attention. You have been thinking about him too much. Remember, that’s what he wants.
10 and above.
I worry that you have not quite managed to break free of Trump's vice-like grip on the world’s attention. You have been thinking about him too much. Remember, that’s what he wants.
9 and above.
I worry that you have not quite managed to break free of Trump's vice-like grip on the world’s attention. You have been thinking about him too much. Remember, that’s what he wants.
8 and above.
I worry that you have not quite managed to break free of Trump's vice-like grip on the world’s attention. You have been thinking about him too much. Remember, that’s what he wants.
7 and above.
I worry that you have not quite managed to break free of Trump's vice-like grip on the world’s attention. You have been thinking about him too much. Remember, that’s what he wants.
6 and above.
I worry that you have not quite managed to break free of Trump's vice-like grip on the world’s attention. You have been thinking about him too much. Remember, that’s what he wants.
5 and above.
You deserve credit for not letting the 45th president of the United States into your head.
4 and above.
You deserve credit for not letting the 45th president of the United States into your head.
3 and above.
You deserve credit for not letting the 45th president of the United States into your head.
2 and above.
You deserve credit for not letting the 45th president of the United States into your head.
0 and above.
You deserve credit for not letting the 45th president of the United States into your head.
1 and above.
You deserve credit for not letting the 45th president of the United States into your head.
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