Amber Tamblyn: let’s learn to reward talent, regardless of sex | Rebecca Nicholson

If the nominees are truly based on merit, where were the brilliant women directors?

It was reasonable, I think, to have held at least a middling degree of hope that this year’s Oscar nominations might lean towards recognising the best films released over the last 12 months, although this belief in the meritocracy of awards ceremonies might explain why I find it so easy to escape into cinematic make-believe.

With a handful of exceptions – I adored The Favourite (more than the couple who sat behind me when I saw it, who must have been expecting a more straightforward historical drama and tutted loudly and disgustedly at every swearword), Black Panther is a deserving best picture contender and Spike Lee’s best director nod for BlacKKKlansman is, bizarrely, his first – it is a bland bunch of predictably just-so films.

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from The Guardian