Brexit proved our economy is broken, but our leaders still have no clue how to fix it | Aditya Chakrabortty

Politicians obsess over GDP growth yet its benefits are unequally shared. And Labour leave areas suffer most

Just after midnight on 25 May 2016, a senior staffer in the remain campaign sent colleagues an urgent message. “Voters are very sceptical about our warnings on the economy,” began his email. “They don’t trust the numbers. They don’t trust the Treasury.” As head of strategy for Britain Stronger in Europe, Ryan Coetzee had bombarded Britons with evidence of the economic damage they would do to themselves if they didn’t stay in the EU. He and his team enlisted the Bank of England, the IMF, the OECD and pretty much every acronym that mattered. They’d wagged fingers, flung numbers around and pointed out the danger signs.

Related: Business confidence in UK at lowest ebb since Brexit vote – IoD

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from The Guardian