Experience: I’m a professional competitive eater

I hold Wing Bowl’s record for eating 501 chicken wings in 30 minutes. In 2018, my prize was $5,000 and a Hyundai Sonata

A lot of people can’t believe what I do for a living. I don’t fit the profile. I’m 5ft 7in and weigh 120 pounds. But I can eat 48 slices of pumpkin pie in 10 minutes and get paid for it.

I stumbled into competitive eating. In 2012, I was working in a bar in Nebraska and its restaurant had a challenge: if you ate its 5lb (2.2kg) hamburger, which is about the diameter of a soccer ball, you got it for free. Someone bet me I couldn’t do it, so I just ate it. I didn’t think it was a big deal but everyone else did. I undertook a couple of similar challenges. There was a burger joint down the road and I ended up taking its record. Then they put me in a face-off with the previous record-holder. After that, things snowballed.

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from The Guardian http://bit.ly/2UblnPe