I'm still terrible at yoga, 14 years after I started – so what's got me hooked? | Hadley Freeman

Yoga made me feel strong and flexible, two things I had never before felt in my life, physically or metaphorically

It is traditional in January for newspapers to run articles about diet and health, so I thought I would write about the healthy subject of physical exercise and my long-running unhealthy relationship with it. There are two ways to be unhealthy about exercise: you can avoid it, or you can be obsessive about it. And because I’m the kind of person who likes to do things properly, in my life I’ve covered both bases.

As a kid, I loathed PE, and I used to tell myself that was because I simply didn’t enjoy it. In reality, it was because I wasn’t good at it and, as a precocious perfectionist, if I couldn’t do something well, I simply wouldn’t do it. Some of my most vivid memories from school involve PE teachers singling me out and making me run/hit a ball/jump to show the rest of the class how not to do it.

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from The Guardian http://bit.ly/2F7Pfc6