Macron and Merkel are trying to safeguard Europe, not dominate it | Simon Tisdall

For all its undoubted flaws, a new friendship treaty sees a bigger picture that is lost on Britain’s small-minded leaders

It is tempting to indulge in some typical British lip-curling over the grand-sounding Treaty of Franco-German Cooperation and Integration signed on Tuesday by Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron in Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle in French), capital of Charlemagne’s lost but not forgotten ninth-century European empire.

The pact, reaffirming the 1963 Élysée treaty that set the two countries on the path to post-war reconciliation, is intended to reassert the centrality of the Franco-German partnership in a splintering Europe beset by resurgent nationalism, rightwing populism and Brexit. Cynics will say it is also an attempt to reassert the fading relevance of Merkel and Macron.

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from The Guardian