The Oscars have got themselves into a right drama over Kevin Hart

In the wake of the furore over the comedian, it seems no one may be good enough to present the TV coverage of the Academy Awards ceremony

To the United States, where the crisis in Oscars hosting continues to rage, reminding us that one of the major advantages of late-stage capitalism is the sheer volume of attention it can afford to lavish on debates over who will or won’t be reading prepared joke-effect lines come 24 February.

As is only right, the Academy Awards host is given similar attention to a supreme court pick, even though the Oscars is essentially a ceremony where an on-set accountant can’t even hand the right best picture winner envelope to Warren Beatty. Oscars organisers traditionally claim their telecast is watched by more than a billion people – “They keep reminding you, like, every two seconds,” Cate Blanchett once revealed – though last year’s was in fact watched by 26.5 million Americans. I guess the other 973,500,000 ratings are global viewers coming home from a day down the Congolese copper mine or in the Chinese battery factory to debate whether you really can simply whitewash fired director Bryan Singer out of the Bohemian Rhapsody story.

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from The Guardian