Australia has a genocidal history but we won’t learn while it’s dominated by white men | Lowanna Gibson

We need to decolonise history and archaeology if we want to know the truth

As a child I loved history. It was the catalyst to my dreams of being a super-cool archaeologist, like Indiana Jones. History is a beautiful thing because we learn about ourselves; why we do and think things in a certain way and hopefully, learn from our mistakes. However, the way in which history is taught is problematic, especially Australia’s Indigenous history. I would go as far to say, the way in which Indigenous history is taught and interpreted has and continues to have a significant impact on the truth.

For centuries the history of Indigenous people has been disproportionately constructed and construed by “white men”; historians, various commentators and politicians. For instance, articles have been published by white males of atrocities committed against first nations people but deny deliberate intention to commit genocide thus concluding genocide did not occur.

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from The Guardian