Child abuse scandal and next steps for Catholic church | Letters

Readers respond to a Joanna Moorhead article in which she claimed lay Catholics who stayed silent were complicit in the church’s failure on abuse, and to a letter and editorial on the scandal engulfing the church

I agree with Joanna Moorhead (Lay Catholics are complicit in this crisis, 26 February) that all Catholics – like all adults – should take responsibility for child protection. I believe they should act as critical friends in supporting the pope’s attempts to prevent and deal with child abuse. The pope has made some brave strides, and some missteps. He believed the apparently sincere and heartfelt protestations of innocence of the Chilean bishops, and reacted with anger and decisive action when he found they had been lying – he sacked them and apologised to the victims. A misstep and an apology can be a powerful message.

The pope has now made the common mistake of implying that since child abuse happens in all spheres, including the family, it is hard to prevent and we must be patient. This tactic is commonly seen as – and often is – a distraction from the main, urgent tasks that can and must be undertaken now. The RC church – and all religious bodies – should see their role as leading the way in effective child protection, rather than being dragged kicking and screaming towards decent practice. It may be a long task, but the essential first steps include use of secular justice systems, which are the fruit of long experience, careful legislation and good professional practice.

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from The Guardian