How California became the leader of the resistance against Trump | Raphael J Sonenshein

Before they became Trump’s nemesis, California’s empowered Democrats acted as wing support to the Obama administration

The era in American politics dominated by Donald Trump truly began in November 2008 with the election of Barack Obama. Obama’s historic victory generated Republican fear of an extinction event through demographic change and a younger, more diverse Democratic coalition with the potential to hold a durable popular majority. The Trump phenomenon was in large part a reaction to that perceived threat. Even after the shock of Trump’s victory, a massive resistance formed first in marches, and in grass roots organizing, and then in the efforts of progressive states. Who’s leading the pack? Undoubtedly, California.

California has long operated as a laboratory for progressive causes: Before they became Trump’s nemesis, California’s empowered Democrats acted as wing support to the Obama administration, testing out strategies too bold for the harsh constraints that Obama faced in DC, where a Republican Congress fought him at every turn.

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from The Guardian