Lorena review – she cut off her husband's penis, but who was the real victim?

It was the member-maiming heard around the world, but in 1993 there was little interest in why Lorena Bobbitt did what she did. This documentary tells her side of the story

The emergency service men, one nurse recalls, all sat with their legs crossed protectively. “We,” she added, of all the women involved at the hospital, “were thinking: ‘What did he do to make her do something like that?’” He was John Wayne Bobbitt, she was his wife, Lorena Bobbitt, and the something she did was cut off his penis while he slept, drive away with it and fling it out of the car window somewhere down the road. One of the emergency men found it, another picked it up and they put it on ice (in a hotdog bag, because life has greater temerity than any fiction writer) and drove it and the mutilated man to the hospital.

Related: Severed penis spectacle arouses US passions at Lorena Bobbitt's trial- archive, 1994

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from The Guardian http://bit.ly/2SKyslR