What I learned when I had lunch with Theresa May | Suzanne Moore

Watching Theresa May play pool over the weekend I was reminded of a meal I shared with her, which left me in a state of existential despair

Have I told you about the very long lunch I once had with Theresa May? I was reminded of it as I watched a clip of her playing pool with the Italian prime minister at an EU summit at the weekend. The lunch went on for several hours – or so it seemed. All space and time came to a halt as I sat there, staring at my cutlery in a state of existential despair, failing, somehow, to communicate with her. I gave up the will to live between the starter and the main course and just kept glancing over at her security detail on another table, wishing I could be with them. Ordinary people talking.

This was when I worked at a rightwing newspaper and would often be taken along as a token woman to meet Tory grandees. Some of them were quite a laugh. Some sort of fun and gossip could be had. Some were incredibly dull and thick. Some sent me into a trance, they were so boring. And some were just obnoxious. Ann Widdecombe, for instance, was, I felt, nasty to the waitress. To me that breaks the 11th commandment. I remember asking her what star sign she was, just to annoy her.

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from The Guardian https://ift.tt/2XnoS7J