After Christchurch, Muslims need more than just your thoughts and prayers | Masuma Rahim

Atrocities such as this will happen again and again until the media and politicians end their obsession with the far right

There is a certain profundity about waking up one morning, when your only plans for the day are to go to Friday prayers with your family, to discover that on the other side of the world people just like you, doing exactly the same thing with their Friday as you intend to do with yours, have been slaughtered. My first response upon reading of the massacre in Christchurch was, I admit, stunned blankness. I could read the words, and I understood them, but for a few moments there was no obvious emotional reaction. Not because I didn’t care about what had happened, but because the enormity of it meant it was simply too difficult to immediately process.

Related: Christchurch shooting: 49 dead in terror attack at two mosques – live updates

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from The Guardian