Beware the great betrayal myth. This debacle is the work of hard Brexiters | Jonathan Freedland

Those who voted against May’s deal will be targeted in a coming culture war. But the true ‘saboteurs’ came from the right

There is no deader horse in the kingdom than the deal brokered by Theresa May. Flogged and flogged again, it expired for a third time at 2.42pm today on the floor of the House of Commons. Something else lay dead alongside it: the illusion that the objection of MPs was not to the precise terms of Britain’s proposed exit from the European Union – contained in the withdrawal agreement – but rather to the sketched vision of our future relationship with the EU, the so-called political declaration. That fond thought was also bludgeoned to death, for MPs had the chance to vote on the withdrawal agreement alone – and they rejected it by 344 votes to 286.

Now we face a new cliff-edge, with 11pm on 12 April the new day of destiny. At that hour, Britain will crash out of the EU with no deal, in a scenario those charged with stewarding our economy, our industry and our safety warn will be catastrophic. The only way to avoid that fate is for MPs to agree on something else, fast, and, once they have, to impose their will on a reluctant prime minister. That is harder than it sounds.

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from The Guardian