She’s Hollywood royalty – he’s a rapidly rising star. In Ben Is Back, they play mother and drug-addicted son – and here talk Pretty Woman, Meghan Markle and sexual fluidity
Julia Roberts and Lucas Hedges are just pretending to play a mother and her drug-addicted son in the drama Ben Is Back, aren’t they? The pair arrive at a bungalow in Santa Monica in clashing outfits, him in a blue-grey sweater and battered sneakers that used to belong to Shia LaBeouf, her in all black with a punky safety-pin necklace and rhinestone-studded boots. “Those are also Shia’s shoes,” Hedges jokes.
But they share an absurdist sense of humour, and a penchant for communicating with each other in growls. Their acting careers, too, have spawned from strikingly similar DNA: wide mouths, copper hair and an Oscar nomination by 22, her for Steel Magnolias and him for Manchester By the Sea.
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