John Oliver takes on robocalls: 'It should not be up to us to deal with this bullshit'

Last Week Tonight host looks into one of the few things Americans can agree on: the scourge of robocalls

On Last Week Tonight, John Oliver dug into perhaps the only thing Americans can agree on: the pest of robocalls. It’s not your paranoia – robocalls have increased significantly in the past year, up 57% in 2018 to nearly 50 billion calls.

And people are taking notice; 60% of complaints to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) concern robocalls. “So they’re definitely aware of the problem,” Oliver said. It’s like the actual tea salon in Vancouver called Neverland. By this point, they definitely know they have a real issue – the only question is, what the fuck are they going to do about it?”

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from The Guardian