May’s Brexit bung to the north is pathetic. It changes nothing | Simon Jenkins

The £1.6bn the PM has promised to secure Labour support for her deal is no match for years of systematic neglect

Theresa May’s bung is like Donald Trump’s wall. You give me my Northern Ireland border deal, she says to Labour, and I will give your people oodles of cash. Except that May has blown it. She has promised Labour MPs in the Midlands and north £1.6bn, but they have not promised her the deal. She is apparently relying on the kindness of their hearts. How stupid is that? She is even offering them a similar deal on workers’ rights, again with no reciprocity. She showered a billion on the DUP, and now look how it treats her. Will she not learn?

Related: £1.6bn 'bribe' for poorer towns as May seeks Labour's backing for Brexit deal

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from The Guardian