Orgies, revenge, sex on a coffin: Australia's Dangerous Liaisons sizzles

Liam Scarlett’s raunchy staging of the novel for Queensland Ballet is partly a response to its distance from London, he says

It’s not often you see sex on top of a coffin on stage, but that’s the gasp-inducing opener of Liam Scarlett’s new Dangerous Liaisons, created for Brisbane’s Queensland Ballet. The Marquise de Merteuil, in mourning attire, grandly presides over her husband’s funeral. When the crowd disperses, her lover Gercourt promptly tears off her veil, and their torrid encounter ends with Merteuil blowing a kiss to the coffin – and embracing the freedom widowhood once afforded women.

Related: Dangerous Liaisons at Queensland Ballet: behind the scenes – in pictures

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from The Guardian