May the history books show that, aside from Theresa’s defeat, the main event on 29 March 2019 was Nigel Farage causing a slight traffic jam
from The Guardian
I had a pretty good notion that we would not be leaving the EU on the 29 March: I actually bet Harry Cole, a rightwing columnist of toxic renown, £100 on live television that this would never happen. Call that a declaration of interest. But here are some things that I never predicted, and I challenge anyone to say that they did.
Nobody could have seen Theresa May’s learning strategies unfold in the way that they have. Some people learn by putting their hand in the fire. Some people learn by putting their hand in the fire twice. Nobody anywhere has learned by putting their hand in the fire three times, then daring the fire to not burn them by threatening to do it a fourth.
Continue reading...from The Guardian