The Unmissables: Exploded View by Carrie Tiffany – an unflinching view of abuse from inside a child's mind

With this new series, Guardian Australia is highlighting the 12 books we think are the most significant releases of 2019. In this first instalment, Susan Wyndham dives into Stella prize-winning author Carrie Tiffany’s concise and pungent third novel

Anticipation for a new Carrie Tiffany novel may hit a snag when readers learn that Exploded View is the story of a dysfunctional family narrated by a damaged adolescent girl. With the stench of domestic violence and child sexual abuse permeating daily news, even Tiffany’s keenest admirers might be forgiven for deciding they’ve had more than they can bear.

The suffering of children at the hands of adults has also become a mainstay of Australian fiction, and Exploded View has similarities to novels by Sonya Hartnett and Sofie Laguna, Romy Ash and Mark Brandi, all outstanding observers of vulnerability and malevolence.

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from The Guardian