Relief in Brussels is palpable as Lino scampers back home to face the reviews and the critics
Well, that went well. Theresa May: Her Part in Her Downfall. Episode 1,002. Having used her traditional hardball negotiating skills to come away with an offer she had never wanted, the Leader in Name Only scampered back to the UK at the earliest possible moment. So it’s just as well we’re not hoping to sign any major free-trade deals with China in the near future. Sod you China, we’ve got the Faeroes in the bag.
Before the latest Brexit clusterfuck caused everyone to drop everything, the main item on the agenda of this week’s European council had been the negotiations to hold negotiations about a trade deal between the EU and China. A huge delegation of Chinese officials and journalists had descended on Brussels for the occasion and they weren’t best pleased to be sidelined to a one-hour slot on Friday morning. Nor were they impressed that Lino hadn’t bothered to stick around to apologise for messing them about. Remember that time when Lino said the UK would play a full part in the EU until the day we left? She doesn’t. But China will.
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