2040 review – an idealist's vision of a healthy Earth

Damon Gameau’s upbeat documentary predicts our best selves saving the planet but would have been better as a TV series

Nobody predicted the immense success of Australian Damon Gameau’s 2015 directorial debut, That Sugar Film, a candy-coloured, Supersize Me-esque documentary exploring the effects of consuming sugar while on a supposedly healthy diet. It was a smash hit in its home country, becoming the highest grossing non-Imax Australian documentary in history (since overtaken by Jennifer Peedom’s majestic 2017 doco Mountain).

Perhaps we shouldn’t have been surprised. Gameau took an issue relevant across cultures and demographics, and prised it open with a broadly accessible style that neither bored nor talked down to young people – who form much of his target demographic.

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from The Guardian https://ift.tt/2uI69Xo