If someone asked you to describe a typical flat earther, what comes to mind? Thick-headed? Witless? Just plain crazy? Those are certainly adjectives that would have comfortably tripped off my tongue before watching Behind the Curve, a documentary on the flat earth movement that’s just started streaming on Netflix. What’s fresh about the film is not what it reveals about the absurdity of flat earther beliefs (one of the main areas of contention within the community is whether or not our flat-as-a-saucer planet is covered by a Truman Show-style dome). It’s the affection it makes you feel for its key players.
The documentary’s director, Daniel J Clark, wanted to develop our understanding of why flat earthers embrace a belief that science shows to be untrue. And so it’s the believers’ enthusiasm, their relationships and the sense of community that has built up around this dangerous rejection of science that take centre stage over cheap potshots.
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