Betty Grumble: 'I want to tell stories ferociously, from my guts'

With her stereotype-smashing strip, Emma Maye Gibson toys with sexual objectification tropes – then yanks the rug out

In the back row of Sydney’s Griffin theatre, Betty Grumble’s mother covers her eyes with a fan. Her father faces the wall. Their daughter is performing her “womanifesto” Love and Anger, which means she’s as likely to be doing a “showgirl poo” as she is to be bent over, rear to crowd, lip-syncing with her vagina to Minnie Riperton’s Loving You.

“The first time my mother googled me there was a picture of me in a G-string with six tits and a pig nose,” says Grumble (real name Emma Maye Gibson). “She was like, ‘Oh god, you’re a stripper!’ and I was like, ‘Well, I’m not earning the money of a stripper!’ It was motherly concern about how the world would perceive me but now they’ve come to shows, they’re really proud.”

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from The Guardian