There are many ludicrous things that money can buy and that I will duly covet: a therapeutic robotic seal (Paro, from Japan, RRP £5,000), Gwyneth Paltrow’s famously luminous aura, and – the most aspirational of them all – the kind of super-rich personal daily routine that is savagely mocked by harried mere mortals.
You know the drill. Wake up at 5am and enter a fastidiously organised whirl of wellness: freshly squeezed juices, freshly squeezed abs, a leisurely read through the papers, a clearing of the inbox, a calm emptying of the brain, walk (or better, jog) to the office for 9am, smash out a couple of Pulitzer-troubling pieces, dazzle your friends over lunch, be home in time for an Ottolenghi-esque feast with your loved ones, insist on no screens after 6pm and read a self-improving book for an hour before 9pm lights out.
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