Improvements in mental healthcare are patchy. How can we help the ‘missing middle’?

People with mental illness struggle to find the quality of care they deserve. But there’s hope and a pathway for progress

Federal elections can act as a launchpad or watershed for major health reform. However, despite mental ill-health being the most potent of all disease categories in its contribution to disability, impact on the economy and as a major cause of premature death, it is typically the bridesmaid at election time. Promises of funding always feature “m” words not “b” words; that is, millions not billions. Yet every Australian is directly or indirectly affected by mental illness. It is even more ubiquitous than cancer and typically strikes early in life, not late. Polls always place mental health higher on the list of priorities for voters, especially undecided ones, than politicians acknowledge. The major parties still have time to address this blindspot.

The late Hans Rosling in his liberating book Factfulness shows us that, despite the impression most of us have, the facts show that most elements of our lives and of nearly all societies are slowly, silently, improving. Although many aspects of life remain bad and unacceptable, at the same time they are better than they were, even compared to 20 to 30 years ago.

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from The Guardian