It is time to shatter a few supposed truths about out-of-home care | Kirsten Gray for IndigenousX

Do we ever ask if we are really giving these kids a better life? Many of us grow up locked in a cycle of depression and pain

We continue to hear that Indigenous children are being removed from their parents in astronomical numbers, much greater than at the time of the Bringing them Home report was released in 1997. During 2017-18, Indigenous children were 11 times more likely than non-Indigenous children to be in out-of-home care and eight times as likely to be receiving child protection services. This has got to stop.

Next week I will be attending the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. This is where Indigenous people from all over the world come together to provide expert advice and recommendations to the UN. It centres our voices alongside the usual chorus of government platitudes and self-congratulation.

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from The Guardian