If, like me, you are a man whose hairline is in fast retreat, Jude Law should be your new hero. A photo of him on the set of The New Pope, wearing nothing but a pair of white Speedos, went mildly viral this week, inspiring responses such as “Jude Law’s Speedo bod is my new religion” and “Has anyone in the history of humankind reacted to losing his hair better than Jude Law?”
In truth, Law’s road to this point has been fraught with failed follicular experiments, suggesting a quiet desperation on his part. Online galleries document his various past coping strategies – growing it out, shaving it off, wearing a hat, some speculate about a hair transplant, which Law has reportedly denied – but things have finally worked out for him. He is a 46-year-old man, in decent nick. He has got some hair left and he is playing a hot priest, so he’s bang on trend for spring 2019. He is – as much as the term wants to make me gag – a “daddy”.
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