To rage against Donald Trump’s state visit to the UK is simply childish | Simon Jenkins

No conceivable purpose is served by 200,000 people coming to London to shout insults at the US president

What is the matter with us? A US president has been invited to Britain on a state visit, and is coming in June. It is a state courtesy, between one democracy and another, on the occasion of a wartime anniversary. No conceivable purpose is served by 200,000 people coming to London to shout insults at him.

I cannot think what possessed Theresa May to invite Donald Trump in the first place, but she did. State visits are like that. The Queen entertained Romania’s Ceauşescu, Zimbabwe’s Mugabe and Zaire’s Mobutu. Alongside them, Trump might seem an angel. Britain has the deepest of bonds with the US, with ties of history, commerce, culture and education. Washington’s present leadership may embarrass, even outrage, people on both sides of the Atlantic. That is no reason for childish protests against a guest invited in Britain’s name.

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from The Guardian