Workers are creating massive wealth. Why are corporations hoarding it all? | Cory Booker

Our economy works best when no one is left on the sidelines, writes Cory Booker, US Senator for New Jersey and a Democratic presidential candidate

Every day Carol Ruiz wakes up at 3.30am and goes to an airline catering service at Newark Airport, where she helps prepare the food carts that flight attendants push up and down the aisle. She organizes the napkins, creamers, sugar, and cups that go on the beverage cart, cleans the glasses and silverware, and diligently tracks the champagne that goes on the carts for first class passengers.
At the end of her 40-hour week she takes home $345. The average airline CEO makes that amount in about 20 minutes.

Last year, while Carol was undergoing treatment for cancer, her kids and husband went without health insurance so the family could afford her medical bills.

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from The Guardian