‘After sex on the damp sheets, we passed out’ – the worst moments from Moby’s memoir

Natalie Portman has disputed the musician’s account of their ‘relationship’. But fear not: his new book has plenty more steamy stories

You can tell a lot about Moby’s second memoir, the follow-up to his 2016 effort, Porcelain, from its title: Then It Fell Apart. You can tell even more from its preface, about how it came into being: “After finishing the book, rather than go to therapy, I kept writing.”

Then It Fell Apart, charting Moby’s “lost decade”, is a globe-spanning “morality tale” (so the publishers say) with so many dropped names that the index, if it had one, would make the book half as long again. Although it was published earlier in the month, this week it made headlines after Natalie Portman disputed his account of their relationship, and even that they had a relationship at all.

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from The Guardian http://bit.ly/2M6kjgE