Australian election 2019 quiz, part two: how much can you remember?

A lot has happened, even though it often seemed as though nothing was happening. Test your recall of the key campaign moments

Angus Taylor’s Facebook page hasn’t been the same since the energy minister was sprung replying to his own posts. What overly praiseworthy phrase did Angus Taylor accidentally say to Angus Taylor?

“A smart move. Thank you Mr Taylor.”

“Angus Taylor, you have outdone yourself!”

“Very good to hear, Angus. I will be voting for you.”

“Fantastic. Great move. Well done Angus.”

There are dozens of micro-parties running in the Senate this year. Guardian Australia has produced a handy summary of all of them. Can you spot the only one that IS NOT running?

Bullet Train for Australia

Together party

Climate Action! Immigration Action! Accountable Politicians! (CIA)

Involuntary Medication Objectors (Vaccination/Fluoride) party

What bizarre gift did Tasmanian Liberal senator Eric Abetz present to Scott Morrison when he visited the Apple Isle in week two?

A punnet of local strawberries that had joke needles in them

A poor-quality wood carving of Morrison’s own face

A small mug the already-disendorsed Liberal candidate Jessica Whelan had made in a pottery class

A necklace made from a shark's tooth Abetz found on a local beach

At Labor’s campaign launch, Paul Keating stunned the ABC’s Andrew Probyn (pictured) and Jane Norman by arriving for his interview 20 minutes early. He then unleashed a tonne of classic Keating-isms – calling Australia’s spy chiefs “nutters” who had “all gone berko”. But which of the following IS NOT a real line Keating said that day?

“The Liberals have got nothing to offer...There is no panorama, there’s no vista, no shape.”

“ a low-order thinker. He’s like a kid they accidentally left in charge of the classroom.”

“They’re living in the past. They’re policy deadbeats. Absolute policy deadbeats.”

“Imagine if a Labor government [did what the government did]. The Business Council would be wetting itself.”

How many candidates (from Labor, Liberal, Greens, UAP and One Nation) have been disendorsed or resigned since the close of nominations on 23 April?





During the second leaders’ debate, Bill Shorten called Morrison a “space invader” when the PM wandered too close. After the ‘joke’ was heavily weaponized by Labor’s social media team, Morrison fired back with his own video game reference. What game did he liken Shorten to, and why?

Pac-Man – because Shorten’s tax policy was “gobbling up” money like how Pac-Man gobbles up pellets

Tetris – because Shorten “has to keep twisting the blocks of his budget, to fit together to add up”

Pokemon – because Shorten’s approach to retirees was to “catch them all” with taxes

Fortnite – because Shorten had defeated previous prime ministers like Rudd and Gillard “like it was Fortnite”, and he was “the last one standing”

The battle for Warringah has become increasingly ill-tempered, bizarre and dirty. Which is of these IS NOT a real thing that has happened?

Somebody posed as an EnergyAustralia meter reader and went to Zali Steggall’s house to see if she used more coal-powered electricity than Abbott

Somebody twerked up against Tony Abbott supporters as a form of protest

Somebody in a chicken suit – known as Chicken Man – started following Zali Steggall around holding negative signs

Somebody pooed in a hollowed-out book labelled “Unpopular” and left it outside Tony Abbott’s office

The Monday before election day, Clive Palmer was spotted overseas in Fiji. Multiple photos of him emerged at one particular restaurant. What was the restaurant’s name and cuisine?

Amalfi Italian Restaurant

Cardo's Steakhouse & Cocktail Bar

Nadina Authentic Fijian Restaurant

Mamacita Mexican Restaurant & Bar

Starting in week two, hundreds of Twitter users and candidates began putting the emoji of a single water drop () in their profile names. From Greens senators Sarah Hanson-Young and Jordon Steel-John, to independents Kerryn Phelps and Zali Steggall, to Malcolm Turnbull’s son Alex. The question is: why?

To demand an inquiry into the Murray-Darling water buyback scandal known as “Watergate”

To ask people to be conscious of water usage, due to rapidly falling dam levels

To show solidarity with Bill Shorten’s tearful speech on QandA about his mother, after NewsCorp criticised him

To emphasis the importance of hydro as renewable energy, after Tony Abbott forgot to mention it in a debate about the energy mix

At a local Warringah cafe, Tony Abbott made a $100 bet with a voter that:

He wouldn’t be driving an electric car in 10 years

The climate wouldn’t change in 10 years

He would be the Liberal leader again within 10 years

He would be prime minister again within 10 years

On the Saturday before polling day, treasurer Josh Frydenberg and shadow treasurer Chris Bowen duelled on Twitter, comparing each other to the same 90s sitcom. What was it?

The Nanny




In our first campaign quiz, we asked you about James Harker-Mortlock, the prospective Nationals candidate with an incredibly British-sounding name, who had to withdraw because he was a British dual citizen. Since then, the nominations have been finalised. Which one of these ISN'T a real candidate (of the 1,514) standing for election?

Harrow Prince-Merewether

Huw Mostyn Kingston

Mark K.C. Moody-Basedow

Virginia Anne Thomas-Wurth

12 and above.

Nobody should know this much about the campaign.

4 and above.

Solid effort. It's been a long campaign, and this quiz has been needlessly specific and difficult.

0 and above.

You know nothing about the most niche and forgettable moments of this campaign. I envy you.

9 and above.

Very well done. You truly have an eye for the weird if you remembered this much.

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from The Guardian