Beauty in ruins: the wonder of abandoned buildings – a photo essay

I created Lost Collective to document neglected and now rarely seen places that once played important roles in their communities. From a derelict power station in central Sydney to an elegantly decaying Japanese hotel, these sites still unite the people who made them matter

It was like hell on earth; everything coated in red dust and rust. The noise was immense, with steam and chemicals belching from all over – at one point I walked into a cloud of ammonia without a respirator. It was a massive nickel refinery and I was there to help shut it down.

I’d started my career as an apprentice fitter and turner in a hot and dirty workshop in the north Queensland city of Townsville. It was such a shit job – every day was stinking hot and we were working on heavy machinery smeared with grease, chemicals or both. But I wanted a trade to fall back on so felt compelled to stick it out. The nickel refinery was one of my first onsite jobs and one I’ll never forget.

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from The Guardian