Black parents should have greater aspirations for their children than to be prime minister | Jack Latimore

The election feels like a prolonged delirium but why is a documentary asking about a path to Canberra when Blackfellas are already on it?

Australia Votes 2019 feels like an unnecessarily prolonged delirium and has done so for weeks before the election date was even announced. It may have begun as far back as August 2018, when Malcolm Turnbull was tipped out of the big chair by his mate, Scott Morrison. The collective groan of the nation (or at least three quarters of it) after that result sounded to me a helluva lot like a plea for an early election, but new PM Morrison, evidently a big fan of the whole capture-bonding approach, had other ideas.

So it goes. And so, we (the electorate) have experienced, under duress, the preposterous political capering of Morrison out on the hustings for far longer than we have needed or should reasonably have been expected to.

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from The Guardian