Caitlin Bassett finds form at right time with Netball World Cup looming large

The star shooter’s timing could not be better with the Diamonds’ squad for Liverpool to be announced next week

Did you hear that sound over the weekend? A deep, cleansing sigh of relief? It was Lisa Alexander. The Diamonds coach – who will meet with fellow selectors Anne Sargeant and Michelle Wilkins this week to pick Australia’s World Cup team – would have been delighted to see her captain, Caitlin Bassett, finally hit her straps as she helped the Giants beat the Queensland Firebirds on Sunday.

With her 193cm star shooter returning to form, the national coach has, it appears, one less thing to worry about as she heads into the single most difficult selection of her career, described by Sargeant as a “beautiful headache”. Early next week, the selectors will reveal their 12-player squad, plus four training partners.

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from The Guardian