Don’t call us apathetic. Young people are angry about the Brexit betrayal | Lara Spirit

The system has failed us. Still, huge numbers of under-34s have registered to vote in the European elections

With our two largest political parties badly divided ahead of the European elections, one thing has become clear: our electoral system cannot depend on its parties to bring people out to vote. So young people have taken it upon ourselves to fill the void. Vote For Your Future, an apolitical campaign (in which I am involved), was set up to get young people, no matter their politics, to stand up and be counted. Record numbers of us registered before the 7 May deadline for Thursday’s elections: hundreds of thousands, all under the age of 34.

Young people are heavily invested in this election because we know our futures are at stake: our ability to travel, study and settle across the continent, not to mention our prospects for jobs and for our health service are at risk. The vast majority of us want our future to be within the European Union. A recent poll had 42% of 18-to-24-year-olds saying they intend to vote for explicitly anti-Brexit parties; 29% said they intended to vote for Labour, which, in its mealy-mouthed way, just about counts as pro-European.

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from The Guardian