Fit in my 40s: sophrology – a mind-boggling mix of Zen, yoga and psychology | Zoe Williams

A little bit meditative, a little bit mindful? A little bit sceptical…

Fitness tips: three sophrology exercises for beginners

To have a private consultation with Dominique Antiglio, sophrologist and author of the definitive English-language primer on the subject, The Life-Changing Power Of Sophrology, is a ridiculously chichi, Princess Di kind of experience, so let’s not fixate on that. You can do her course online, or delve into the meditation technique by reading the book.

This is a system of mind and body, a little bit meditative, a little bit mindful, eastern principles of centredness and focus fed through a European system of rules that can feel just as exotic. It’s been around since the 50s, when a Spanish medical student, Alfonso Caycedo, had the task of administering electroshock treatment to mentally ill patients; sometimes, if that sounds barbaric, inducing insulin comas beforehand. He was an early asker of a question that medicine has confronted more widely since: why does consciousness have to be shaken so violently in order to heal?

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from The Guardian