I needed to deal with my destructive demons before I could write about my past | Vicki Laveau-Harvie

In her Stella prize-winning memoir, The Erratics, Vicki Laveau-Harvie deals with the trauma she experienced at the hands of a parent. Writing it, though, was anything but cathartic

Read more about The Erratics and the Unmissables series here

At a recent book event where I spoke, an audience member about my age took hold of a microphone to ask, with something bordering on combativeness, if I had a will. She said she asked because I was old, as was she, and we were both going to die soon.

I was taken aback. My memoir, The Erratics, touches only glancingly on my age and not at all on how I keep my paperwork – but this question made me think about how we write memoir, and how we read it.

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from The Guardian http://bit.ly/2VmqjB1