Israel Folau's fight for religious freedom leaves behind ugly mess | Bret Harris

The sacked Wallaby’s test case will prompt a lot of soul-searching about how rugby arrived at this point

The Israel Folau dispute is set to become a test case for religious freedom in Australia with ramifications that will potentially go way beyond the confines of rugby. Rugby Australia chief-executive Raelene Castle announced Folau’s $4m contract had been terminated after an independent panel found he committed a high-level breach of the code of conduct for posting religiously inspired, anti-gay, comments on social media.

Folau has three days to appeal the decision, but there was strong speculation he will by-pass an appeal and take the matter straight to the Supreme Court. He confirmed he was “exploring his options” but there is not much point in Folau appealing. Even if a new three-person panel was appointed to hear an appeal, it is highly unlikely Folau would escape without any sanction at all.

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from The Guardian