More than 400,000 sign petition for Game of Thrones season eight remake petition complaining of rushed plots and inconsistent characters demands HBO redo the season ‘with competent writers’

To say the reception to the final season of Game of Thrones has been a mixed bag would be an understatement. Spend any time on social media on Sunday nights or Monday mornings, and the onslaught of complaints about the direction the beloved HBO series has taken of late are unavoidable. A new petition has taken that backlash to another level. It calls for a do-over of the entire season.

“Remake Game of Thrones season eight with competent writers” demands a petition posted to, following this past weekend’s episode, The Bells, one of the series’ most polarizing episodes to date. The petition has since been signed by 400,000 disgruntled fans, and seems likely to meet its goal of 500,000 soon.

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from The Guardian