My life in sex: the man who goes to cuddle parties

Who cuddles whom flows organically, and it’s not just in pairs

As a 56-year-old man living in a conservative area of Texas, I would never have predicted the amazing personal growth I have experienced since being introduced to cuddle parties three years ago. These parties are entirely non-sexual events, where participants gather in each other’s homes to cuddle. They’re great because they are intimate, but carry none of the baggage associated with romantic relationships.

Everyone brings “fluff” (such as duvets, pillows and sleeping bags) to pad the floor. Then we hold a 45-minute workshop about boundaries and consent, which includes rules such as, “You are encouraged to change your mind.” I’ve taken these lessons into my sexual life, and they have freed me up to love without expectation. I am no longer afraid to ask for what I want – because I don’t feel rejection when a woman chooses to say no (in fact, at parties, we’re encouraged to respond with, “Thank you for taking care of yourself”).

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from The Guardian