This election is an opportunity to vote for humanity and freedom | Behrouz Boochani

Christina Coombe campaigned for change until her last breath. I’m telling her story to inspire all Australians to fight against indifference

Christina Coombe was a 56-year-old Australian woman who died last week after a long battle with cancer. Before she left this world she attended a pro-refugee rally calling for the release of those on Manus and Nauru. She also visited an art exhibition in Melbourne which showcased the work of Farhad Bandesh, an artist still on Manus. Also, just a few days before she passed away she cast her vote for the federal election and supported a candidate who opposes the policy of exiling and imprisoning refugees.

Related: I returned to my prison on Manus Island and was stunned by what I saw | Behrouz Boochani

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from The Guardian