Britain is now a remain nation. We can halt this rush to Brexit | Polly Toynbee

The Tory party’s hardcore membership would head us off a cliff. We need to rebel against this democratic outrage

The frontrunner’s domestic squall on Thursday night has acted as a lightning-flash illumination of the democratic fraud unfolding before our eyes. Had this tiff happened on Love Island, at least every citizen would get to vote. If a despairing lethargy hung over the prime ministerial contest, this fracas has electrified the preposterous nature of the non-choice, and our total exclusion from it. Pinch yourself: is this really be happening in a democracy? This is now a remainer nation, held hostage by extreme no-dealers.

Remember, this has never happened before. It was bad enough when MPs chose the sitting prime minister – John Major, Theresa May, Gordon Brown – but for the first time the Tory party’s misbegotten 1998 rules see our fate fixed by the votes of a tiny self-selecting oligarchy. This novel experiment in non-democracy couldn’t come at a worse time, with the ruling party seized by no-deal Brexit mania, forcing all candidates to abandon truth to woo the membership’s worst delusions. Only one, Sam Gyimah, represented anything approaching the British remain majority, but he couldn’t scrape eight nominations to get into the contest: that’s the nature of the Tory beast.

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from The Guardian