More silence from Boris after rivals’ plain talking hits the buffers | John Crace

At the lobby hustings, the candidates largely tried to give straight answers. It didn’t go well

The Tory leadership circus rolls on. This time for a hustings arranged for lobby journalists in Westminster, where the format was more individual than group therapy, with each candidate free to explain – without interruption from the others – how their relationship with reality had irretrievably broken down.

Though still without Boris Johnson, the Conservative party’s very own priapic Mr Blobby, who is acting as if he is on the run from the Child Support Agency. The country has seen more of Julian Assange in the last six months than it has of Johnson. Something for which normally we’d be all very grateful, only Boris is the clear frontrunner to become next prime minister. It says something for Johnson’s innate self-destruction that his minders believe their man says it best when he says nothing at all. Doesn’t bode well for him reopening the Brexit negotiations with the EU.

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from The Guardian