Am welcomed by the Queen in London England. Where can you get a decent burger in this Buckingham place?
Get dropped at Air Force One shortly after nine on Sunday night. Settle down to watch some gorilla YouTube videos, before going to sleep on the couch. As usual Melania has taken the main bedroom and locked me out. Wake up to find it’s nearly 9am and we’re about to land. That means we must have been in the air for 12 hours. I hadn’t realised Europe was so far away. An aide explains that London England is FIVE hours ahead of Washington. How is that possible? Do they work 29 hour days?
As we land, one of my aides suggests it might be a good idea to tweet something about how nice it is is to be back in London England. “Pass me the phone,” I bark. I start typing: “Sadiq Khan is just a stone cold loser”. That man is dead to me. I don’t care about him at all. I really don’t. He’s even more insignificant than our own very dumb and very incompetent mayor of NYC. Much shorter too. Very short. Almost a dwarf. And a very low IQ. THE LOWEST. Being dumb must be a qualification to be London mayor.
Continue reading...from The Guardian