Don't bin those pea pods. Cook them instead |Waste Not with Tom Hunt

Young and tender pea pods are delicious devoured whole, while older, more fibrous ones can be turned into a delicious sauce, or charred and dipped in tamari and oil

Frozen peas are great, but I find peas in their pods transcendent. When I was 10, we moved to a small village where my parents gave me my own small patch in the garden as an allotment. Being the first vegetable I’d grown, my debut pea harvest was the best thing I’d ever eaten, and I’m sure one of the reasons I cook today. The peas were so fresh, I’d eat them, pods and all, straight off the vine.

When we buy peas in their pods and throw the empty pods away, we waste about 50% of a vibrant, tasty product that’s rich in nutrients, not to mention the time it takes to pod them. If the pods are young, they are tender enough to eat whole; and if older and fibrous, they add a delicate, uplifting flavour to a soup or stock. They can also be juiced, or boiled, blended and passed through a sieve to make an incredibly vivid green sauce that’s exquisite as a drink, or stirred through a risotto or a soup.

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from The Guardian