Inside and outside cabinet, there are Tories worrying if they’ve done the right thing | Isabel Hardman

Some moderate ex-ministers want nothing to do with Johnson. Others, from within, hope to steer him away from no deal

Who is in the most turmoil in the Tory party? Is it the moderate Tory MPs who decided to leave government this week in protest at Boris Johnson’s policies; or their colleagues who thought it better to accept a ministerial job? Talking privately to both groups, it’s clear that neither side really knows who made the right decision.

“I’m so up and down at the moment,” says one former minister. “I’m not sure if I’ve done the right thing. But I’ve done something and I suppose I had better live with it.” Others are celebrating publicly by going to the cricket, while another has been joking that they now have the “freedom to spend all weekend having sex” – though it’s not clear whether this would have been prohibited in a Johnson government.

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from The Guardian