Miranda Tapsell on diversity, that Get Krack!n episode and Play School's new Indigenous doll

Film star and TV host on why it matters that Kiya will become a regular feature of the toy cast in the Australian children’s TV institution

Miranda Tapsell is belly laughing down the line. It’s a rolling laugh, and it washes delightfully and charitably over me – delightfully because Tapsell is impossibly buoyant; charitably because I’ve just told her that I’ve never heard of the TV drama series she’s just mentioned.

In that moment, I know two things: the Australian children’s television institution of Play School will run another 50 joyous years if it keeps Tapsell as a host; and that it’s a complete no-brainer why the two movies she has starred in recently – and in the case of Top End Wedding, co-wrote – have been smash hits.

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from The Guardian https://ift.tt/2LECZCj