Alexa, play Bon Jovi! Guardian readers on their worst noisy neighbours

It’s not just playing music at loud volumes that can be annoying – it’s what’s being played and the noises that can accompany it

‘Love thy neighbour as thyself”, Jesus’s commandment goes. But perhaps a caveat to that should be “unless they choose to blast music at your walls all day and night”. One man from Blackwater, in Cornwall, has angered the neighbours in his housing block after asking his Alexa speaker to play Bon Jovi repeatedly at all hours. From Maurice the cockerel, the French bird whose piercing dawn calls have led neighbours to take legal action, to the “drum’n’bass pensioner” who had more than 300 CDs confiscated from his flat in 2017, and the teenager who was playing Adele at an “intrusive, very high level”, noisy neighbours seem to always be around the corner.

One Guardian reader, from Peckham in south-east London who wished to remain anonymous, lived next to a woman who insisted on playing Carpenters Gold each night. “There was an old fireplace between my bedroom and her place, not a solid wall, so it could be very loud,” he says. “And then the downstairs flat would also get annoyed because they couldn’t hear their music, so they’d turn theirs up and this would go on and on.” Eventually, his neighbour moved out, but he has never been able to listen to the band since.

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from The Guardian